Laughter Is The Best Medicine
English Poetry. Hindi Poetry. For children and adults.
Poems that get you to laugh, think, and wonder.
By Dr. Mukesh Nangia
It’s A Jungle Out There
Children’s Poetry
Laughter is the best medicine. This book is being prescribed to you by a doctor. If you love to laugh and rhyme for no rhyme or reason, this book is for you. Funny poems, puns, word play, and hilarious illustrations await.
A healthy laugh for readers twelve and under, and for adults who could use a laugh too — whether reciting these poems to their little ones, or reading with a friend or family member.
"Gives Shel Silverstein a run for his money"
“This book took me straight back to elementary school with its imaginative illustrations and childlike poetry. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve laughed out loud while reading.
Although fun and silly, some of these poems are also deceptively insightful, and that’s why I think both children and adults alike can read this and have a good laugh. What I love most is that the author draws from his experiences as both a physician and a father, and it really shines through in his poetry.
A few of my favorites are Belly Watcher, Pet Dinosaur, and Magic Pill. I highly recommend this book to anyone with children and/or who just needs a good laugh!!”
– J. Liao’s Amazon Review
By Dr. Mukesh Nangia
Tarane Zindagi Ke: Jeevant Kavitayen
Hindi Poetry
ज़िदगी के उतार-चढ़ाव और कश्मकश को लोगों तक पहुंचाने के कई रास्ते हैं। जिनमें हिन्दी साहित्य की कविता विधा सबसे अग्रणी है। पुस्तक में समाहित कविताओं के माध्यम से लेखक ने रोजमर्रा के जीवन को बखूबी चित्रित किया है। इन कविताओं में जोश और प्रेरणा है तो प्रेम और विरह की आग है। वहीं समाज की कुरीतियों का बखान है, तो अहिंसा का संदेश भी पाठकों को सराबोर करेगा। कुल मिलाकर आपको कविताओं में वक्त की मार, जमाने की रफ्तार, ज़िदगी के उतार-चढ़ाव और थके सफर के पड़ाव दिखेंगे।
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Dr. Mukesh Nangia
Father. Doctor. Author. Poet. Photographer. Love to cook (and eat).